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Korrith's Diary
Korrith's Diary
A sleek black book, most often found laying around Dundee Inn, bears the name Korrith Oniban and seems to have been recently repaired. Teeth marks can still be seen on some parts, as well as smudges of ink and grubby fingerprints of those who could not resist the temptation of flicking through the pages.
Scribbles from Tuesday, 08 May 2007
Well. Here I am. Millions of marcs and one rather pointless war later, and I'm back in Ethucan.

I had known it was re-opened for a while, but chose not to visit until earlier today. Well. My coin purse had more of a say in the decision than I did (I'm down to like.. 70 plat) but also there are thoughts. Thoughts in the back of my mind.

My past in Valorn has been... Shall we say "littered" with things that perhaps it is just best for me to move on from. Equally there are great things I have done in my lifetime, no doubt, but still. Somethings I need to move on from.

One of the last times I saw Wyeverne... I gave her two Doorway Crystals. I told her we would one day explore Ethucan together. It was due to be something of a slow engagement between us so exploring a continent seemed like a fairly good time passer. Anyway. Before I knew it, she was... Sorta gone. Ethucan was closed. Deek went into his dissapearance and now assumed death.

Though the ale soaked smile on my face in the days that followed would never have shown it, they were somewhat dark times for me. Since then I found a home within the 22 with friends closer than I ever imagined and... As close as I'll ever have to family. It's all sorta... Coming back to me. Anyway, no matter.

Ethucan is... Nice. There's been some industrial progress... The guards are friendlier now than they were when Herius Mercanius first brought me, Ixon and two others to be Valornian ambassadors, and they're certainely friendlier now than they were during the war between our continents.

Now accessable to us is the beautiful Muriel Park. Parks are great because you can just... Sit in them. And pretend you're a blade of grass. Swaying and at ease. The park here reminds me a lot of the time I spent in Aldwythe's Landing actually. Could be something of an inspiration for a poem maybe? We'll see.

Anyway. In my silliness, after Raffe very kindly gave me a doorway crystal to come here... I forgot you need a second one to get back. So I'm... Stuck in a foreign place for a little while. They treat me well at the inn here, I'll be alright. Here's hoping someone else guards the bar...
Korrith wrote this at 15:40. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Monday, 07 May 2007
Ah. So long since I wrote.

Well, things have been going Ok. Nothing of note for me to really speak of, I'm sure the disturbing apparition of King Deek has been noted by others and it is surely nothing I wish to dwell on...

We have a new member among the 22 ranks. Meara is her name and from what I've seen she'll fit in very nicely. Always nice to have an extra friend on the battlefield at any rate. I think that takes us to 12 members. Not bad.

Speaking of 22... A most incredible occasion occurs. High Queen Cordelia came to visit the 22 Guild Hall. I came along at Fleur's request and tried to look smart in my tight Fall Festival Tunic while we toured the hall and discussed the ways of the guild, the 22 legend, Ixon's museum and what events we have done or have planned.

The tour's final stop was Fleur's (Where else?) and there we were treated to some of Fleur's singing... Accompanied by my Zither playing, the first I've played it in a long time. I guess musical ability isn't something as easy to lose as I thought, because apparently, the Queen, Fleur and Azure Greenhills (Who arrived to escort the Queen back to Caer Laleldan safely) were impressed. Cordelia even noted that she wouldn't mind me playing in Caer Laleldan someday... Which would be quite the honour.

Anyway. I think that's inspired me. I may attempt to write some form of song or poem shortly...
Korrith wrote this at 06:11. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
034888 people love Korrith, and his shiny bald head